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DumpSync Command: Visual

The visual command in DumpSync is used to view the table structure of a database. This feature allows you to visualize the table structure.

dumpsync visual --table table1

Command Breakdown

  • dumpsync: This is the main command to invoke the DumpSync tool.
  • visual: This subcommand initiates the visual process to view the table structure of a database.


  • --table table1: Specifies the table name for which you want to view the structure.


To view the table structure of a table named users, you would run:

dumpsync visual --table users
TABLE: users
| Column   | Type         | Key |
| id       | int          | PK  |
| username | varchar(255) |     |
| email    | varchar(255) |     |
| profile  | text         |     |


  • The visual command allows you to visualize the table structure of a database.