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Settings File for DumpSync

The configuration file dumpsync.yml allows you to customize the options for the dump process.

It should be saved as dumpsync.yml in the same directory where your project is running.

File Structure

Example structure:

  dump_data: true
  insert_ignore_into: false
  drop_table_if_exists: true
  database_if_not_exists: true

  max_retries: 3
  retry_connection_interval: 5

Properties of exports

  • dump_data (boolean): Determines whether all data in your database should be exported. If set to true, the content of all tables will be included in the dump. If false, only the structures of the tables will be exported.
  • drop_table_if_exists (boolean): Specifies whether existing tables should be dropped before being recreated during the import process. Setting this to true will include a DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement before the CREATE TABLE statement, preventing table duplication conflicts.
  • insert_ignore_into (boolean): The insert_ignore_into property specifies whether data should be inserted using the INSERT IGNORE INTO statement during the import process. Setting it to true will ensure that duplicate records are ignored, preventing errors from duplicate entries in the table.
  • database_if_not_exists (boolean): Indicates whether the database should be created only if it does not exist. If set to true, a CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS statement will be included in the dump, avoiding errors if the database is already present.
  • ignore_tables (array of strings): A list of tables to be ignored during the dump. Tables listed here will not have their structure or data exported. Example:
  - table

Properties of connection

  • max_retries (integer): Defines the maximum number of retry attempts to establish a connection to the database. If a connection attempt fails, the application will retry up to this number.
  • retry_connection_interval (integer): Specifies the interval (in seconds) to wait between each retry attempt when attempting to connect to the database. This allows for gradual retries rather than immediate retries.